Schedule and other updates

As of tonight, 2024 July 2, I am pausing the Moonstruck Tournament Series. Currently I intend for it to return in late August or September. I do have other events in the works to be announced shortly (by the end of next week, July 12).

This temporary dormancy should not be interpreted as giving up on the league.

Shawn K. Quinn
Commissioner, Bayou City Pinball League

Commissioner’s statement of 2024 March 9 including upcoming rule changes

For the first time in a good long while, a substantial change to the rulebook is in the works. This change required particular care as it involves rules related to some of the core values of the league as I envisioned it, namely legal compliance and citizenship.

In a perfect world, those responsible for making laws at all levels (city, county, state, and Federal) would always get it right and the laws passed would be a perfect implementation of justice as seen by every sane citizen of society. Of course, we don’t live in a perfect world. Every once in a while a law is passed that egregiously and abominably fails in its purpose of implementing justice. Or, an existing law is interpreted or re-interpreted in an egregiously and abominably unjust manner.

Rule 21.1.3 regarding unlawful conduct, and rule 21.3 regarding fugitives and outstanding arrest warrants, were intended to protect the reputation of the Bayou City Pinball League as well as the safety of law-abiding players. However, in the face of egregious, abominable failures of the law, it only makes sense for such failures to be excluded from the scope of 21.1.3 and 21.3. Rule 21.6 is the result, which allows the Commissioner to make exceptions to these rules in such extreme cases as a last resort while we await the repeal, nullification, or more reasonable re-interpretation of such laws.

Effective with the upload of version 2024.03.09 of the rulebook later today, I am invoking rule 21.6 to activate the first two such exceptions (and hopefully the only two for the foreseeable future):

  1. Offenses under Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 170A (Performance of Abortion), any substantially similar laws of other states, and any substantially similar Federal law(s) if and when enacted; and
  2. Offenses under City of Houston ordinances under Section 20-251 et seq (Charitable Food Services, perhaps better known as the “homeless feeding ban”) and any substantially similar laws of other cities, counties, or states.

I expect these to be the only such exceptions for at least the remainder of 2024 and, of course, it is my hope that these exceptions become obsolete sooner rather than later.


Shawn K. Quinn

Commissioner, Bayou City Pinball League

Moonstruck Tournament Series at Little Dipper

Join us for great times and great pinball at Little Dipper (304 Main Street, downtown Houston) on Tuesdays beginning April 2! Every Tuesday night of the month at 7 pm except for third Tuesdays (see followup post), we will be playing a three strikes (3X) tournament. Entry fee is the $1 IFPA fee plus coin drop. ($1 IFPA fee may be sponsored in later weeks, I will update as needed.) Venue is 21 and up only.

Parking: On-street parking in the area, unmetered after 6pm.
Transit: Preston Station, METRORail Red Line. Routes 20, 30, 48 bus stop at Congress Street and Main Street. Route 151 bus stop on Congress Street at Travis Street (1 block walk). Routes 11, 51, 52 bus stop at Fannin Street and Preston Street (2 block walk). Route 82 bus stop at Congress Street and Milam Street (2 block walk).

Dates: April 2, 9, 23, 30; May 7, 14, 28; June 4, 11, 25; July 2

[Edit 2024-07-02: Currently on hold, to return/re-launch in August or September]

The new logo and notes on the coming new year

Since I will not be able to fit in an “official” logo reveal party prior to Houston Arcade Expo, this will have to do for the moment.

I would like to meet up with any interested players in mid-November to discuss future plans and my concept for the league to anyone willing to listen and willing to support true player choice for competitive pinball players of all skill levels in the Houston area. I am targeting the week of November 13-19, unless this is too soon after Houston Arcade Expo. The days before Expo will unfortunately conflict with other events, both pinball-related and personal. The week after is the week of Thanksgiving.

For those of you still here, I appreciate the continued support. I realize the start has been much slower than I ever could have anticipated, but I am not giving up.

Houston deserves choice. Houston deserves a quality pinball league for the best people who play competitive pinball.

Houston deserves the Bayou City Pinball League.

Spread the word. 2024 is going to be a spectacular year for the Houston pinball community and I plan to see the Bayou City Pinball League lead the way. Thank you.

Shawn K. Quinn, Commissioner